Saeed: The Pessoptimist

Film Title Design, Media Kit


Design of an opening title sequence and media kit for a fiction movie based on the novel “The Secret Life of Saeed: The Pessoptimist” by Emile Habibi.


In the sixties of the last century, Saeed (Known as the Pessoptimist) claims that people from outer space came to save him from his life in Israel after the war, Saeed is writing letters to unknown person from what he claims as the outer space to tell him all the stories since his family came to the land of Palestine, the reasons behind the strange family name, passing by his life before and after the war and how he survived the war to enter a new life in Israel, to his wishes to cooperate with the Israelis. However, he goes to prison multiple times and is assaulted by the guards as his actions were always misunderstood by the Israelis. By the time, the true character of Saeed reveals the identity of the letter’s receiver.


Emile Habibi is a Palestinian writer was born in Haifa on 29 August 1922, He was active in the left movement in Palestine and Israel later on.

He was writing in Arabic and His novel “The Secret Life of Saeed: The Pessoptimist” was chosen by critics to be one of the best 100 Arabic novels in modern Arabic literature. The book depicts the life of a Palestinian, employing black humor and satire. It was based on the traditional anti-hero Said in Arab literature. In a playful way, it deals with how it is for Arabs to live in the state of Israel, and how one who has nothing to do with politics is drawn into it.


In the novel, An unknown person receives letters from someone who is called Saeed, later on, The receiver finds that Saeed was trapped in a hospital room in darkness writing the letters. The opening and the media kit are based on an imagination of where all the letters were written and as Saeed doesn’t exist in the letters or reality in person, the room shows only the chronicles of writing the letters not showing Saeed.


– An opening sequence capture the essence of the chosen novel to be used at the fictional movie and introduces the main crew members.

– A media kit for the movies to be used in the online and offline marketing consists of A1 Poster, A banner of 1500X300px, Vertical and horizontal previews of 356X200px


Adolescence – Hazem Shaheen (From Album Things That I Miss)
Used with the generous permission of Hazem Shahin


Opening Title Sequence
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